The goal is simple, to take a wonderful but underused city “swamp” and unlock its great potential for local residents and visitors alike.
The need for stakeholder outreach and engagement is increasingly important in economic and community development. Andersonians recognized the value and importance of the tremendous asset called the Rocky River, its swamp and surrounding area and voluntarily established the Rocky River Conservancy (RRC). The RRC is working in concert with Anderson University, the City of Anderson, Anderson County, and local environmental groups.
Rocky River Conservancy is a citizen-led, non-profit group (501c3) collaborating with the City, County, Anderson University and other community partners to provide green space for the citizens of Anderson through clean-up and preservation of Rocky River, its swamp, and surrounding area. Through efforts to preserve and enhance this community asset, the Conservancy seeks to provide an active and passive outdoor recreational venue, wildlife habitat and environmental education opportunities. The Conservancy also seeks opportunities to connect the Rocky River area with other planned community recreational and environmental resources to provide a comprehensive network of unique venues to promote a special “sense of place” in Anderson, South Carolina.
Located in the city limits of Anderson, the Rocky River and associated swamp, is unique in that it is the largest swamp in the Upstate within city limits. The area may include up to 400 acres that comprise wetland areas; open water for canoeing and kayaking; walking, biking, equine trails; and a discovery center/environmental educational facility. There are multiple benefits of this project including economic development, conservation of land, enhancement of water quality, wildlife habitat, and recreational opportunities for area citizens, all of which translate to enhanced quality of life.
park rules
Foot traffic only
No firearms, alcohol or recreational drugs
Dogs must be on lead
Pick up your own trash
AU Security monitors the Park
Anderson City Police and local EMS provide emergency support